
Pick up: Hotel within urban perimeter of Cairo or Giza

Sightseeing of Memphis and Sakkara , Dahshour with English speaking guide


S/S of Memphis and Sakkara with ESG


Memphis which was the capital of ancient Egypt, it’s considered now as an open air museum and it’s still has a colossal statue of king Ramses II, keep moving to see the Pyramid of Sakkara of king Zoser or as it called Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Built during the 27th century BC to the burial of Pharaoh king Zoser; built by his Minister Amhotep. The engineer and doctor Amhotep was the main engineer of the extensive funerary group in the courtyard of the pyramid and the surrounding ceremonial structures


Period Bottled water 1 person 2 person 4 person      child with bed     child      without bed
01 – OCT- 30 NOV.2023 yes  182 $ 118 $ 89$ 41 $ 24 $
01 Dec.  – 31Mar. 2024 yes  192 $ 128 $ 99 $ 45 $ 26$

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